
Community visitors are available to hear your concerns and help resolve complaints.

In general, the CVP aims to resolve complaints and enquiries by working with the person making the complaint and with staff from services.

The community visitor will do this in many ways, depending on the wishes of the person with the concern or complaint and the nature of the problem.

The visitor may support the person to speak to staff with a view to resolving the problem, or arrange a more formal meeting between the person and the service.

Depending on the nature of the complaint and the preferences of the person lodging the complaint with the CVP, the community visitor may also undertake a formal investigation.

Each Act outlines the role of community visitors in receiving and resolving complaints from people receiving the services of an agency, or their representative.

The legislation requires community visitors to be accessible to hear and facilitate the resolution of these complaints. This may be achieved by assisting the person to use the internal complaint mechanisms. Alternatively, a community visitor may assist the person to make their complaint to an external body or to use the formal review mechanisms set out in each Act.

Community visitors may take on these roles in the course of a visit to a facility, centre or agency or after receiving a request from a consumer or representative for a visit.

The CVP complaints process is outlined in detail in the CVP Complaints Process Flowchart.

Making a Complaint

A complaint can be made by phone, in person or in writing or by completing our online form

Lodge a complaint online

Use our online form to lodge a complaint, provide feedback, or make an enquiry to CVP Northern Territory. The online form can also be used to provide Feedback and Complaints specific to the CVP Program.

Complete our Online Form

Complete our Online Form