
The Disability Services Act 1993 (DSA) provides the legislative framework to enable the operation of residential facilities for people with disabilities in the NT. The role of the Community Visitor Program (CVP) is set out in Part 6 of the Act.

The legislation applies to three different types of residential facilities.

‘Secure Care Facilities’:  where persons with a complex cognitive impairment who are engaging in repetitive high-risk behaviours which are likely to result in harm to themselves or to others, may be placed. In this situation, the placement is involuntary and is made under a supervision or treatment order, so the person can receive therapeutic treatment. Eligibility for admission to the Secure Care Facility depends upon these criteria being met and the likely benefit a person may obtain from the treatment.

In July 2024, the CVP was advised that NT’s sole Secure Care Facility (SCF) in Alice Springs would be repurposed by NT Department of Corrections. As such, there is currently no Secure Care Facility in the NT. Persons with complex cognitive disabilities who are subject to orders under Part IIA of the Criminal Code Act 1983 remain at risk of either being placed in mainstream correctional settings or confined to the Cognitive Behaviour Unit (CBU) at Darwin Correctional Centre (DCC) prior to transitioning to the Cottages, which are staffed by specialist personnel from NT Health’s Forensic Disability Unit (FDU). The CVP visits the Cottages quarterly.

‘Appropriate Places’ are residences for persons placed on a supervision order by the Courts under the Criminal Code. There are a number of Appropriate Places in the Northern Territory, where persons with complex cognitive disabilities, who are subject to a Part IIA non-custodial order live with disability support workers under the oversight of FDU. The CVP visits these persons quarterly.

‘Other Residential Facilities’ where a person with a disability may live and receive treatment and care, administered by the Department of Health (DoH).

Under Part 6 of the DSA, the CVP visits and inspects:

  • Secure Care Facility (monthly). Note: SCF is not currently operational therefore the CVP does not visit this facility
  • Appropriate Places (quarterly): The CVP visits between 12 and 15 of these residences across the NT on a quarterly basis.