The Northern Territory Community Visitor Program (CVP) is an independent statutory service. It is located within the Anti-Discrimination Commission to preserve its independence.
Its aim is to ensure the rights of those receiving treatment under the NT Mental Health and Related Services Act 1998 (MHRSA) are upheld and their views and concerns are heard.
Additionally, the CVP’s responsibilities are defined in Part 6 of the NT Disability Services Act 1993. The CVP’s role involves ensuring the rights of persons with a Complex Cognitive Disability, who are subject to a supervision order under Part IIA of the NT Criminal Code Act 1983, are upheld, while also providing an avenue for their voices and concerns to be heard.
In broad terms, the CVP has advocacy, monitoring, inspection, and complaint handling functions, working from a rights-based, person-centred approach with persons who engage with the program voluntarily.
Community Visitors are people employed by the CVP.